School Of Rock’s Brian Falduto debuts acoustic EP Love One Another.

At the age of eleven, Brian Falduto was cast alongside Jack Black in the movie School of Rock where he delivered the infamous line: “You’re tacky and I hate you!” Today, Falduto is releasing his debut EP, Love One Another.

I’m really excited about this EP because it marks my debut as a Singer-Songwriter,” Falduto told us. With a background in theater, songwriting found Falduto at a time in his life when he needed an outlet for the emotions he was feeling. While working at NASH FM 94.7, Falduto had his heart broken and wanted to find a way to deal with that difficult break-up. “One night I just decided to sit down with my guitar and try to put my own words to music and I found it really therapeutic,” he said. “As I wrote more songs that were sort of ‘saving me’ from the depression of a rough heartache, I thought about all the songs that I listen to that have provided me with an outlet for my emotions for so long and I figured, hey, maybe my songs can do that for someone else .. maybe I should share them.”

With a true-to-his-personality ‘flashy’ guitar pull organized in February 2016, Falduto’s journey was launched. Since then, he’s been collaborating with other musicians and booking gigs in and around NYC, all of which led to recording Love One Another

Photos courtesy of Brian Falduto

Photos courtesy of Brian Falduto

Falduto has written a lot of songs, but picked five for the EP that focus on experiences with personal relationships. If he had to pick a favorite, its the fourth track on the EP, Turn That Song Back On. “It keeps with the theme of love, but instead positions love as the answer .. the only answer .. which is different than the other songs that focus more on the wounds that love can leave,” Falduto explained. “It’s a message I think everyone needs to hear right now in this crazy world we’re living in .. and it’s also the source of the EP title.”

Another favorite that made the cut is In My Mind, which was recorded live for the EP in a studio session. “It’s the first song I ever wrote,” said Falduto. “That night I poured out everything I was feeling into a guitar, and I am happy with the way we captured it on this EP.”

Photos courtesy of Brian Falduto

Photos courtesy of Brian Falduto

“I’m excited to have art out there that I can call my own and hopefully people like it and we’ll see where this takes me,” he said. “I plan on traveling a bit this summer and performing in spots outside of NYC to try and expose my songs to new ears.”

Love One Another is available for download now: iTunes | Google Play | Amazon 

For all of the latest news and updates on Brian head over to and his social media accounts: Facebook  |  Twitter  |  Instagram  |  Youtube