Jana Martin talks with Jerrod Niemann about camping adventures, his latest album This Ride, and pursuing the dream in Nashville.

Jerrod Niemann, the artist of songs like Lover, Lover and What Do You Want, has soothed and inspired country music fans for years. Leading up to the interview, I started out with a list of 50 questions and whittled it down to six…knowing I would have ten minutes to talk to him. Interviewing Jerrod and having him tell me stories about his life is the experience I dreamed of when launching this show. He was not only generous with his time, but he thought to share experiences that made me laugh, and that changed the way that I see my work.

Have a listen to the full interview here:

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For all of the latest news and updates on Jerrod Niemann head over to jerrodniemannofficial.com and follow his social media accounts: Facebook  |  Twitter  |  Instagram  |  Youtube

About Jana Martin
Jana Martin is the Host and Producer of Country Backroads Podcast and Review. With five years of television production experience, she launched this show in 2016 to share the backroads stories that inspire country artists to write and sing the songs that we love. Check out the podcast to find interviews with the Eli Young Band, Craig Campbell, William Michael Morgan and many more. Follow Jana on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | iTunesGoogle Play