Hundreds of people were packed in, literally wall to wall, at Brother Jimmy’s Monday night to see Kip Moore perform a private acoustic show.

Throughout the night Kip invited questions and song requests from the audience; he wanted it to feel like we were all just hanging out in a living room together. As you’d expect, the music was incredible, and it was so much fun listening to the stories he’d tell in between songs.

Kip Moore acoustic show at Brother Jimmy's on August 24, 2015

Kip Moore acoustic show at Brother Jimmy’s on August 24, 2015

Early in Kip’s career they were playing bars when no one really knew who they were, and his dad suggested they play cover songs. Kip said “I want to be known for my music. There might be 300 people in the bar and 200 of them are talkin’, but there might be 50 that are hearin’ what I’m doin’ and they go home and tell people about that and that’s how the word gets spread, and I always want to stick to my guns on that. I see so many new artists and their whole set’s full of covers and it’s just kind of smoke and mirrors because nobody’s ever gonna know your music unless you play it.”

Commenting on his song “Backseat” Kip said: “Backseat is one of those songs where its never been on the radio, never been on a record, but if you come to one of our headlining shows it is louder than Truck when we rip into Backseat. We recently played a show in Wisconsin, our biggest show we’ve ever headlined, it was like 12,000 people. We got done with our show…we never played Backseat and I thought they were gonna kill us. When we got done the whole place started chanting Backseat. It was one of the coolest things because we introduced that to our fans and play it without any way of them knowin’ that song. That’s always been a really cool thing to me.”

One of the funnier moments came when a woman yelled out to ask Kip if he’d like to make out with her later. He responded that if he’s had enough Jack then possibly, but quickly realized that totally came out the wrong way. Everyone had a good laugh with him.

Kip was asked what kind of music he enjoys listening to. He responded, “It’s funny. When I go in to the gym and they know who we are they immediately change the playlist as if I only like country music. It’s like we go into the gym and they’re playin’ rock, hip-hop, and they’ll immediately go to George Strait, like ‘Give It Away,’ and I’m like come on, I don’t want to work out to that, come on! Or we get in the car or the van, they’re pickin’ us up, they immediately turn to the country station. I’m like, you know, I like a lot of other stuff. It’s no secret that I’m a huge fan of people like Bob Seger and Bruce Springsteen and Jackson Browne. We get on the bus at night and we’ll listen to Wilco, we’ll listen to Ryan Adams. We listen to a lot of Motown – a whole lot of old school Motown. But then I like people like The Killers, Kings of Leon…there’s just so many. We listen to all kinds of music, I don’t just listen to country music all day, so, there you go.”

When asked if there was anyone outside of country music he’d like to collaborate with Kip said, “I’m kind of pissed because Aldean just did it with Bob Seger, but that would have been my guy. I was like dammit, give me that microphone, let me tear this thing up. Anyways, I probably would have said Seger, and if Sam Cooke was alive that’s who I’d say first and foremost.”

Towards the end of show Kip expressed just how much his fans mean to him and how thankful he is for the support. He said, “It’s been over three years since Up All Night came out, and until I’m To Blame came on the radio I had pretty much been irrelevant from radio for over a year. But y’all continued, because of a live show, y’all continue to sell out every single show and the fan base doubled in size while we were kind of absent, and that says a lot about what you and I have, and the band has. It’s a really cool thing so I want to say thank y’all so much for always comin’ out.” I think it’s pretty clear that Kip will never be irrelevant to his fans.

Here are some video clips from Kip’s performance, including Somethin’ ‘Bout A Truck and I’m To Blame.

Kip’s 2015 Wild Ones Tour kicks off October 8th (with a stop in NYC on December 3rd). You can see his complete tour schedule on his website by clicking here.

Here’s Kip performing Somethin’ Bout A Truck:


And here he is performing I’m To Blame:


Some photos from Kip’s performance: